

My interest in painting had begun, when I was very little for having to use a play set of watercolor paint kits that little kids can use to practice their painting skills, using nothing but a set of paints, paintbrushes, and a jar filled with water. However, I didn’t start traditionally paint on canvas, until I was fourteen, when I was given an actual painting kits, canvases, and an easel for Christmas.

In high school, I got to learn and practice more painting skills for working on class projects, with the help of my teachers. I was very happy to take art classes from my freshmen to my senior year. I wasn’t a professional on detailing, even adding certain colors for the light and dark contrast, but throughout my adulthood, I had gotten better at it. Though I’m still not a professional painter, and it takes practice to work on a single painting to create a realistic look.

When I was in my junior year, I was introduced to oil paints, as well as still-life paintings, which is a technique that an artist paints a portrait of an object (ex. fruit, bowls, vases, etc.) on top of the table with realistic light and shadows. As I was getting ready for my senior year, I took AP art class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. These art classes in high school were one of the most fun classes I ever had.

I went on take more painting classes in college to achieve my associate’s degree in art at Kent State University at Stark. I only took two painting classes, and of course, there were other art classes that even adds a painting project, too. The way I was able to learn more about painting was much different than how I was taught in high school. I guess I must have taken baby steps in art and painting in middle school to high school, but as you have reached to college, you are set up to learn great challenges that you’ll have to learn, if you want to be a good painter and a skillful artist. Another great class I took in college was art history, and that helps me, so I can understand the historical time periods of painting and art.

You will definitely see some collections of my paintings, whether it is from the past, or it’s from the present. Mediums you will be seeing are done in watercolor and/or acrylic, but I mostly work with watercolor, whether it’s a fan art, or illustrated drawings.

As an artist who is so focused on animation, painting doesn’t have to be completely different in animation. They can blend so well together, and of course, they belong in the same category: art. Painting and animation can express themselves as moving illustrations, as how you would see from a viewer’s eye.

I hope you will enjoy seeing my paintings, just as much as you will enjoy seeing my drawings and animation pieces.

Hi, everyone! I’m Emmy, and welcome to my blog!

Come check out and see my fun collection of art, drawings, animation, fan art, paintings, illustrations, and learn about autism!